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Welcome to our 16 Personality Test!
What is 16 PERSONALITY Test?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (16) is a personality assessment that categorizes people into 16 distinct personality types. Developed in the 1940s by mother-daughter duo Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the 16 is based on the theory of psychological types proposed by Carl Jung.

16 Personality Dichotomies

The 16 looks at 4 dichotomies of personality traits - Introversion (I) vs Extroversion (E), Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F), and Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P). Based on your preferences in each dichotomy, your 16 personality type is derived from the 4 letters. For example, someone who prefers Introversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging would have an ISTJ personality type.

Application of 16 Understanding your personality type can provide useful insights into your strengths, preferences, ideal work situations, communication style, relationships and more. The 16 is commonly used in career development, team-building, self-awareness and relationship counseling.

Purpose of This Test The purpose of this 60-question 16 personality quiz is to give you a glimpse into your personality inclinations and patterns of behavior. Keep in mind that the results are meant as a guide, not an absolute determinant of who you are. You are still a unique individual with your own ways!

Test Format

This quiz contains 60 questions and will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. We encourage you to answer as honestly as possible for the most accurate results. Take your time and think through each question.

After completing the test, you'll receive a detailed personality report along with descriptions of your likely personality type. We hope this test provides a fun way for you to learn more about yourself and how you interact with the world.

Contact Us

We wish you an insightful journey of self-discovery! Please contact us if you have any questions about this test or the 16 assessment.

What does 16 stand for?

16 stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It is a personality type assessment developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, based on Carl Jung's theory of personality types.

What are the 16 personality types?

The 16 types are:


How accurate is the 16 test?

The 16 aims to provide a useful starting point for self-awareness and growth. However, it is not an absolute. Factors like mood, environment, and dishonesty in answering questions can affect results. The best use is as a guide, not a definitive label.

What does my 16 type say about me?

Your 16 type indicates your likely preferences in 4 areas: where you focus energy (E/I), how you take in information (S/N), how you make decisions (T/F), how you orient towards the external world (J/P). It can offer insights to build on strengths and develop lesser used areas.

Can my 16 type change?

Your core preferences tend to be stable over time. However, through personal growth and development, your exhibited preferences may change. For example, developing non-preferred functions. The goal is to become more balanced in applying all preference pairs.